Reading Schematic Tool Fault Finding Diagram For Tracing Mobile Hardware Issues

Are you ready to take your mobile phone repair skills to the next level? From start to end fault tracing using the mobile repair solution diagram into the schematic diagram tool and read out the secrets of hardware solutions. This blog post will guide you through the essential techniques and advanced methods to find faults in mobile phones and fix mobile hardware issues.

Understanding the Schematic Diagram Tool in Mobile Fault Finding

The mobile schematic diagram tool is a necessary resource for anyone involved in mobile phone repair. It provides comprehensive guidance on fault tracing and offers regular updates to keep up with the latest developments in mobile hardware repair. With step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams, it equips technicians with the knowledge they need to tackle even the most complex hardware issues. Also, beginners can utilize the information to learn how to find faults in mobile PCBs.

Schematic Tool Fault Finding Diagram
Borneo schematic and hardware solution pdf

Mobile Fault Tracing Techniques and hardware solution PDF in the Tool

Fault wise PDF reading
Mobile hardware diagram to solve the problem 

The hardware solution diagrams in the schematic tool are based on the phone's brand and model fault-wise. mobile technician can utilize PDF files as per their need. By reading the PDF file in the tool mobile phone technicians know every step they are taking is important in identifying and resolving mobile phone problems. The tool provides the data to use the four-digit multimeter and the DC power supply for effective fault tracing and learners get a comprehensive training ground for learning advanced repairs. The schematic tool can be used to find the fault of a mobile phone if you learn how to read its diagram.

Pro tip: If you are a beginner and don't know anything about schematic diagrams and their schematic tools then read best schematic tool for mobile repairing first for multiple productivity in mobile repair.

3 Things That Every Beginner Mobile Repairing Person Should Do

Examining mobile PCB before start working on it
Mobile hardware diagnosis

If you are a beginner learning mobile repair and looking for ways to find faults in a mobile phone's PCB (Printed Circuit Board), there are a few things you need to do first:

  1. Firstly, make sure you have a basic understanding of the PCB and its components. 
  2. 2ndly, check if all the components are properly connected to the PCB and there are no loose connections between them. You can visually inspect the PCB by microscope for any physical damage or burned components. It is important to handle the PCB carefully and avoid using excessive force or heat. 
  3. 3rdly, you can also use a multimeter to check the continuity of the circuits to make sure it is not a short circuit.
Click the article How to check mobile short circuit with the multimeter and learn how to use a multimeter to find out if is there a short circuit in a mobile PCB.

Troubleshooting parts on the smartphone can range from simple tasks, such as replacing a damaged LCD panel. Read the article disassembly all parts of smartphone and repair some of the most common faults to make money.

Reading Schematic Tool Hardware Solution diagrams To Trace Faults

First of all, To address the issue with the malfunctioning phone, access the folder for the specific phone model in the tool. Once you have accessed the folder, you can proceed with the necessary steps to diagnose and solve the problem. 

Mobile hardware repair PDF Files
Hardware solution folder in Borneo

For example, in the Borneo Schematic Tool. open the hardware solution folder, then the phone brand folder after that click on the phone model. 

Mobile brand fault tracing PDF
Phone brand and phone model folder

In this, when we click on the model, some PDF appears in front of us which is made fault-wise, 

Fault wise PDF in Schematic tool
Fault Finding Diagrams 

But the first PDF we use in this is the one of diode. When we click it, it shows a multimeter list. you should have a four-digit multimeter. 

Digital Multimeter GR reading PDF
Diode mode PDF file in Borneo 

If there is a charging fault in the phone, then we have to see the V bus line GR reading in the tool. 

Charging jack V bus line
Charging jack V bus line GR reading

Now open the PDF file in the folder and zoom the charging jack to read the V bus line in the file.

Use Four digit Digital Multimeter in Taking GR Reading

Now set the multimeter on diode mode, then put the red probe on the PCB ground and touch the black probe in the charging jack Vbus line. Now read the GR reading on the multimeter.

Use of multimeter on Diode mode
Testing charging jack with multimeter 

Note: Compare the GR reading with the PDF file.

Fault Wise Multimeter Readings in Fault Tracing

Four digit multimeter GR reading
Compare multimeter GR reading

On the multimeter screen reading scale, three types of readings can appear if the GR reading is not normal.

  1. No Reading.
  2. Reading is coming less.
  3. Reading is coming too much.

No Reading: it appears when the V bus line is open.

Reading is coming less: We will check the leakage inside the V bus line. From the charging jack to Charging IC some electronic components are leaking current. Because of this, when you connect the charger to the mobile, it will not show anything, it will show you as if the charger is not connected.

Reading is coming too much: We will check the short circuit in the V bus line. It can happen that the charging jack, or the V bus line components diode, capacitors, and charging IC positive have connected with the PCB ground. In this situation, when you plug the charger into the mobile, it is possible that the charging IC may be hot or any component connected in the line may be hot. For a thorough understanding, watch the YouTube video below that covers different types of GR reading.

So these are the Readings that can appear when we start taking GR reading in the PCB line on the mobile phone. First of all, we have to see in the line whether our GR reading is normal or not. If the GR reading is not normal then we have to start testing. If the GRreading is normal then it is a software issue in the mobile. Generally, the GR reading is not good, hence the mobile comes to us for repair. First, we open the diode diagram and check the GR value. After that, as if we were giving the example of a charging fault in the mobile phone, then next we open the charging data PDF file in the diagram tool.

To learn the use of digital multimeters for testing and repairing mobile phones, watch the short video that shows how many types of digital multimeters. Check out my blog post on how to test your phone with best multimeter for mobile repair. It also includes information on the price of the multimeters. 

Use Borneo Hardware Solution PDF in Fault Tracing 

You can do the tracing from the hardware solution diagram, it is easy to trace because it is visible in the circuit where the lines are going. Open the file and zoom it. you see the multiple color lines going from the Charing jack to the Charing IC. Each line name is written on that line. 

Charging jack diagram in Borneo schematic tool
Borneo schematic diagram pdf free download

The red line is the V bus line. Now you can see where it is going. the line has electronic parts. 

Component diagram in Borneo schematic tool
Electronic component in diagram

If you want to learn about basic circuit board components of mobile phones for testing them in fault tracing then read my blog post. For in-depth knowledge, you can buy my book on the same topic. 

Advanced Fault Tracing Techniques in Schematic Tool

For mobile phone technicians looking to elevate their skills, the phone schematic tool offers advanced techniques such as reading the bit map of a mobile when no GR value on the line. 

Understanding schematic diagram tool in fault tracing
How to find fault in mobile PCB

The tool provides detailed guidance on the process of testing and jumpering the parts step by step, empowering technicians with a deeper understanding of mobile PCB hardware. The schematic tools cover unlimited types of solution diagrams for mobile phone repairs, providing a comprehensive resource for troubleshooting.

Some additional studying resources for my readers:

Learn the secrets to finding faults within your smartphone! If you want to learn more about fault trace in a short time to make money from smartphone repair skills then, the book "Learn Smartphone Repair with Diagnostic Schematics: A Complete Beginners Guide for Hardware Problems Troubleshooting" by Muhammad Asif Azeemi may be helpful. Whether you're a mobile phone technician, a mobile repairing course student, or simply someone who wants to understand the mobile hardware solution diagram to solve mobile phone problems in detail, this ebook will help you. Grab your copy today.

Know the basic elements of reading and understanding the electrical diagram by viewing this ppt on SlideShare


In conclusion, mastering fault tracing using the Borneo schematic tool is a game-changer for mobile phone technicians. By embracing advanced techniques, adapting to industry advancements, and honing mobile fault tracing skills, technicians can elevate their repair capabilities and effectively address hardware issues. With the phone schematic tool as their guide, technicians can confidently navigate the complexities of mobile hardware diagnosis and repair.

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